EN - How can i manage Radio and Pause bell system in Work-IT

EN - How can i manage Radio and Pause bell system in Work-IT


How can i manage Radio and Pause bell system by Media in Work-IT ?


To manage a Radio and pause bell system we need first to have a work scheme been installed in Work-IT.

If you have problem creating a workscheme you can see this article:

Let's open this Workscheme.
Click on:
  1. Employee.
  2. Work Scheme.

For example if we have this work scheme: (Standard Work scheme)

We can see from this workscheme that there are two pauses at 10:00 o'clack and at 12:00 o'clock, and the start working time is at 08:00 o'clock.

Let's link alarm sound to start working and the pauses. we can also link a radio in Work-IT.

Click on:

  1. Menu.
  2. Media.
  3. Pause bell system.

     4. Unlock.
     5. enter your log in password.
     6. OK.

Explanation of the screen shown above:

Work scheme
Select the Work scheme for which the Work break bell system must be active.

Radio url
Enter the URL (streaming) for the radio station of your choice.

Start work/break and End work/break sounds
Indicate the file path for the audio file for the signal that will interrupt the radio station during a work break, according to the Work break scheme. This could be files on the local computer or in a shared file on the server.

The sliders are used to set the volume, the demo button can be used to test the sound.

7. Choose the Workscheme Standard work scheme .

8. Full the radio url , You can search for online radio links.            ( for example here http://radiomap.eu/list/ you can find some local radio's in your country)

9. Full the path of the bells files for Start working or pause or End work.   (On internet you can find a lot of alarms and try it yourself)

10. Click on Run(You can first test it by clicking on Demo)   

11. After clicking Run , you can see what are the scheduled pauses today, which are in the selected Workscheme.

Note: Don't close " Pause bell system "  tab, otherwise it will stop everything ( Radio and pauses bells).

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