EN - How to connect a Hotraco Orion system to an iSii CANbus ?

EN - How to connect a Hotraco Orion system to an iSii CANbus ?

How do I connect a Hotraco Orion system in the iSii CANbus?

You can connect the Orion to the same CANbus network as Datapoint. It is not necessary to use a separate EtherCAN.
In the Orion the iSii CANbus is connected to a print called “CAN-OVP-MC” .

Please pay attention to the jumper to terminate the CANbus. When the Orion is not the last node in the CAN bus, the jumper must be open.

After power down, the power supply of the Orion must be switched on by a Datapoint (output of uni week switching continuously at 100).
Otherwise you have to manually start the Orion every time after every startup of the EtherCAN.

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