EN - How to connect to iSii compact?

EN - How to connect to iSii compact?


This article is only for Hoogendoorn Partners


How to connect to iSii compact?


Via LAN 1 you can connect your laptop or desktop directy to the iSii compact.
Or you can use a Wifi router.
The default IP address of the iSii compact is
Click here to see how to change the IP address.

If this IP address has been changed to another IP address and you have forgotten this other IP address, you can use the following trick to find the correct IP address.
  1. Connect your laptop to LAN2
  2. Change the IP address of your laptop to
  3. Open the Manage page
  4. Now you can read the IP address of LAN1
  5. Connect the Datapoint to LAN2 again

Example of the iSii compact IP address