EN - How to copy a visualization 2.0 to another user or iSii system

EN - How to copy a visualization 2.0 to another user or iSii system



How to copy a visualization 2.0 to another user or other iSii system?


Below in "My explorer" you can see a folder "00 Visualization" with a visualization "Desktop".
This is the home visualization.
In the folder "00 Visualization library" you can find all the visualization items like setting lists, reports, graphs and other visualizations.

How to export visualization library

1. Work on IBS with local connection and be sure you have admin rights.
2. Clear share library

3. Drag Visualization library from My explorer to share library

4. Open a visualization and press the "Setting" button

5. Press button "Export references"

6. A message will appear

7. Copy "C:\ProgramData\Hoogendoorn Growth Management\T40\Explorer" to a USB stick
8. Export the worksheet "00 Visualization" with "Import-Export Manager" to the USB stick

How to import visualization library

1. Work on IBS with local connection and be sure you have admin rights
2. Import the worksheet "00 Visualization" with "Import-Export Manager" from the USB stick
3. Copy the content of the USB stick to C:\ProgramData\Hoogendoorn Growth Management\T40\Explorer
4. Close iSii explorer and stop the background
5. Start the background and open iSii explorer again
6. Drag share library into My explorer

7. Open a visualization and set visualization library on this dialog

8. Press button "Import references"
9. A message will appear

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