How to make partially done registrations on a (virtual)Terminal or phones with the Scan-IT app.
Making "Partially done" registrations is used in general with tasks based on path and the number of plants in this path, so the percentage of the path is important to figure out the performance of the employee.
So tasks with speed type time (e.g. " minutes" , "hours" ), or harvesting tasks, We don't use "partially done" .
Now, you can let Work-IT system do " partially done" registrations automatically.
Or let the employee enter the " Partially done" manually, and here is how "Partially done" registrations can be entered, on both terminal or Scan-IT app ( on the phone):
(a) On Terminal
End registration tasks
Let's say we have an End registration task with the name "12 Twisting" and the employee (for example with the number 6 Tom ),
and after he finishes his job, he wants to input partially done of path 101 (with 55%).
So he must follow these steps:
1- Scan or enter the employee number. (Here 6 )
2- Enter the task number (which is here 12 )
3- When entering the path number (here path 101 ) add point ( . ) and then the percentage directly, so here 101.55
Then the Work-IT will show the registration of path 101 with partially 55% done.
Start registration tasks
If the task "12 Twisting" was a Start registration task, and the employee entered first this registration.
1- scan or enter employee number (for example 6 Tom )
2- Enter the task number (which is here 12 )
3- Enter the path number ( for example 101 )
And after the employee has finished his job, he realized that only 55% of the path 101 is done,
Here he can change the percentage to 55% with these steps:
See an example in the attached video
4- Scan or enter the employee number again ( here 6 )
5- In the task number question enter point ( . ) then the number 301, so enter the code .301
Then the terminal will show the last registration of this employee, and he will let hem input the right percentage.
6- Enter the right percentage (Part ? 55 ) , then the terminal will show the registration with the new percentage 55%
(b) On Scan-IT app on the phone
Here we have two situations:
(1) The phone is always online (Connected with Work-IT network)
We need first to set up an Application Profile, we can make a new profile or just edit an existing one.
1- Employees
2- Application Profiles
3- Fill the boxes in and check these options:
- Employee and Task -> (Remember) - / for example /
Don't check "Remember" if the phone is been used by other employee or by group of employees
- In the Partially done section check "Enabled"
- Also in the Partially done section check "Allow Manual Entry" ( Otherwise it will take 50% as default percentage, or you can set another default percentage)
Further, give a name for the profile and limit the users that will be able to use this profile.
When you finish, don't forget to click "Ok" then Save
Now let's make a registration
In the Scan-IT app and after choosing the profile above:
After the employee finishes his job on a row,
1- Scan or choose an employee name.
2- Choose the Task ( Here I chose "2 picking" - End registration)
3- Choose the location ( Here I chose "Row 101"
4- Double-tap on the three points button
5- Tap on the percentage button to enter the percentage
6- Enter the finished percentage of the row (for example 60%), then tap on the enter button
Then you will see that the row 101 is partially 60% done.
By Start registration, the employee makes in the beginning, the first three steps above (1,2,3),
and when he finished his job and he realized that only 60% of the path 101 is done, then he finishes the next three steps (4,5,6)
But if another employee uses the same mobile and made another registration via Scan-IT app, then the first employee (in this example "Dirk") needs
to follow the steps (1, 2) only (without entering the location) then he continues with the next steps (4,5,6)
(2) The phone is not always online (Not Connected with Work-IT network)
If the phone is not online the whole working day, then we can only use the "Terminal" tool in the Scan-IT app:
1- Tap on the menu, then tap on Terminal
2- Follow the same steps that are mentioned in the "On Terminal" section above
This is if the registration type was "End", and if it was "Start" registration type, then we follow the same steps that we mentioned earlier in the "On Terminal " paragraph above:
1- Scan or enter the employee number again ( here 5 )
2- In the task number question enter point ( . ) then the number 301, so enter the code .301
Then the terminal will show the last registration of this employee, and he will let him input the right percentage.
3- Enter the right percentage (Part ? 55 ), then the terminal will show the registration with the new percentage 55%