EN - How to set the heating temperature

EN - How to set the heating temperature


How to set the heating temperature


The picture below shows the heating temperature.

The numbers in the picture explained:
  1. This is the day temperature, 19 °C
  2. This is the night temperature 18 °C
    Most of the time the night temperature is lower than the day temperature.
  3. The transition from night to day.
    It takes 1 hour to increase the temperature from 18 to 19 °C.
    The transition starts 1 hour before sun rise, so on run rise the day temperature is reached,
    Research results tells us that increasing temperature in the greenhouse must be limited by 1 °C per hour to avoid condensation problems.
  4. Transition from day to night.
  5. Sun rise time.
  6. Sun set time. The iSii is calculating every day the sun rise and sun set time depending on the location of the iSii (latitude, longitude)

Try to imagine the green line below.
The green line is the measured greenhouse temperature and is drawn in this picture only as an example to explain the heating control.

What will the heating do in the different situations above:
  1. temperature is too high -> stop heating
  2. temperature is too low -> start heating
  3. temperature is too high -> stop heating
  4. temperature is too low -> start heating
  5. temperature is too high -> stop heating
  6. temperature is too low -> start heating
  7. temperature is too high -> stop heating
  8. temperature is too low -> start heating

Example:graph of computed heating temperature and measured greenhouse temperature

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