EN - How to setup weight scale and manage the packages in Work-IT (Pack-IT)

EN - How to setup weight scale and manage the packages in Work-IT (Pack-IT)


How to setup weight scale and manage the packages in Work-IT?


With Pack-IT, you can connect bank weigh scales to the Work-IT system and monitor weighing the end product.

NoteThe Pack-IT module is optional and additional and only available if it is in the license.

First, there should be a location for every scale, with the type location "Workplace"

Create a Location for each scale:

Let's make a new location for a scale with the name "Station 1"

1- Click on Menu
2- Locations
3- Data 

4- Click on New
5- Fill in the number and the name "Station 1", with the location type "Workplace", and select a parent "Shed" or "Hall"
6- Click on Save when you finish.

Managing the packages in Work-IT:

Create a Package 
To add or manage the packages, go to:

1. Menu.
2. Tasks.
3. Package.

To add new package click on:

4. New.
5. full the line with the new package.

Explanation of the screen shown above:
Unique package number.
Unique (identifiable) package name.
 Weight   (Tare weight)
Basic weight of the package (kg).
Average box contents.
 Contents attribute
The unit of the contents.
 Underweight (kg)
If a stable weighing is saved but the weight is less than this setting, it is classified as underweight.
 Overweight (kg)
If a stable weighing is saved but the weight is more than this setting, it is classified as overweight.
 Step size (g)
Determines the step size in the packaging graph.
 Fruit weight (kg)
Average fruit weight for managing scales with a fruit indication function.
 Deviation fruit weight (kg)
Deviation with respect to determining whether large, medium, or small fruit should be used to arrive at the desired weight.
Here you can choose the photo of the package from the Media folder.

Let's add the package "TestPackage"

- Tare weight            0,340 Kg
- Content weight      5 KG
- Underweight          5,06 Kg 
- Overweight            5,12 Kg

Don't forget to save it when you finished.

Create a Task for a package

For every sort package, you need to create a different task.

Let's say we have a package that we made in the previous step (TestPackage), so we need to make a task for this package, with the name (for example "Packaging 5 Kg")

1- Click on Menu
2- Tasks
3- Data

4- Click on New
5- Fill in the task information line (with a unique number and speed type "Minutes" )
6- Click on Save when you finish

Create a Task question scheme
After creating the package and the task for this package, then you need to create a Task question scheme for this task.

1- Click on Menu
2- Tasks
3- Task question scheme

4- Click on New
5- Fill in the name (for example "Weighing 5 Kg", registration type must be always  "Start
    Then link the belong package and the task.
6- Ok
7- Click on Save when you finish

Now let's go to Sort weight Analyzer to set the setting of the new package "TestPackage"

Set the settings in Sort weight Analyzer:

Go to :

1. Menu.
2. Tasks.
3. Sort Weight Analyzer.

To add new settings for a package.

4. New.
5. full the line with the new settings.

Explanation of the screen shown above:
Unique name of sort weight analysis.
 No package weight
If the weight on the scales is below the threshold, the start of a new weighing is detected.
 Minimum weight
The minimum weight at which a stable weighing is saved.
 Maximum weight
The maximum weight at which a stable weighing is saved.
 Stable weight difference
The fluctuation that may occur during the stable weight period (kg).
 Stable weight time
The time for which the weighing must be stable to be recorded as a weighing (milliseconds).
 Minimum weight time
Minimum time between saving two weighings (milliseconds).
Here, you can link the packages to which the weight analysis applies. 
Here, you can choose from 3 options:


- Choose Analysis by Work-IT (Which used usually in most cases) to let the Work-It do the analysis (For example with CAS Newton CI 200A scales), in this case, you'll see continuously weighing in the "Weighing scale monitor" window. ( Menu > Tools > Weighing scale monitor )  

- Choose Analysis by scale to let the scale do the analysis (For example with LRE DTS-V scales), in this case, the scale will choose the right stable weight, and ignore the rest till the next weighing. 

Note: If you choose Analysis by scale then you are not able to see the live weighing in the "Weight scale monitor" window.

If you choose Analysis by Work-IT then the scale should be set in 'Stream mode'. For example FS scales

Let's add the settings "Weighing 5 kg" and link the package "TestPackage" to it.

Don't forget to save it when you finished.

Explanation of the analyzing

See the below diagram, that illustrates the analyzing, and what are been registered from each Work-station by Work-IT: 

So, after each weighing in every work-station the Work-It registers one of four types registrations:

1. the weight is requested.

2. the weight is over.

3. the weight is under.

4. Invalid weight

Getting started:

After all settings are done and the hardware is connected. And the workstations have been set up in Work-IT.
Now it's time to get started with the scales. 

Before the employee starts weighing, he needs to register to one of the scales, and enter the task,
and that is done in a Terminal.

Note: This is different for each sort of scale, for example by LRE DTS-V scales, the employee can do the registering directly on the scale self, so there is no need to a Terminal to do that.
To select your Employee number, press  the 'Login' button and fill in your employee number as 4 digits (Employee 4 = 0004)
Then press 'Code' and fill in the task number as 4 digits. (Task 10 = 0010).

Then goes the employee to the workstation, and there will be the tare weight negative on the scale, waiting to
start with the first barrel for the first weighing.

So with Pack-IT module, not only the quantity of the production is controlled, but also the quality of the production. 

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