EN - How to start irrigation based on time

EN - How to start irrigation based on time


How to start irrigation based on time


The picture below shows the recipes settings.

unit phase 2 supply
phase 2 supply time: ViP
The supply time is 3 minutes for every cycle.

EC control EC value: ViP
The EC value is set to 1.5

pH control: pH value
The pH value is set to 5.5

fertilizer phase 2: number
The ferlizer number 1 is selected

interval: ViP
delay time: ViP
The time between 2 cycles is interval time + delay time = 90 minutes

cycles: number
This is the maximum amount of cycles per day

type of start recipe
This recipe is repeated every day

start- and stop conditions
Only the option "time" is selected

time: start relative to
time: start time
time: stop relative to
time: stop time
The irrigation is allowed between 08:00 am to 17:00 pm.

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