How works the Emergency Power module?
There is a growing need for automatic switching between grid power and emergency power.
This requires extensive communication between the iSii and the emergency power system.
This has been added from iSii version 7.
Larger greenhouse companies regularly make use of more than one iSii, so called cluster systems. With this version all iSii’s in a cluster can be connected to one emergency power
Note! The iSii operating station, control station, EtherCAN and DataPoint with the IO of the emergency power system require a UPS to ensure operation during a power outage.
Emergency Power Measure & Actuate
Measure & Actuate has been extended with 2 controls that can be read by the emergency power system (generator or equivalent)
Emergency Power mode active
When “emergency power start: detection” has been made active, the iSii stops all controls.
This means that there are no active open/close or ON controls, the analogue inputs for windows and screens freeze on their last position, and the analogue outputs from pumps and
fans are put to ZERO. When all these actions have been finalized and the detection is still active, the control “Emergency Power mode” is made active.
System ready for emergency power
If emergency power is available the “emergency power release: detection” is made active.
Then iSii starts to release those controls available during emergency power mode, one by one.
If “emergency power release: detection” becomes inactive, this means that the system wants to return to grid power. iSii must then stop all controls (see above). When this has been
finalized the actuation “System ready for reconnection” gives the signal to return to grid power.
Emergency power Service
The emergency power program has been extended with the following service settings.
Emergency Power release groups interval
When “emergency power release: detection” is made active controls are released one by one with this time interval.
Stop groups before reconnection interval
When “emergency power release: detection” is made inactive, this interval time is used to stop or pause controls one by one.
Grid power release groups interval
When grid power mode becomes active again, groups of controls are released with this interval time
Highest group index released
This number indicates the total of groups released.
Quick stop after released group number
Down to this number groups are stopped step by step using the set interval time. After this number the remaining groups are switched of immediately.
Note: Do not set this number too low. Check the number of groups for Active Air ventilator.
Emergency power delay time start
To prevent the emergency power program to become inactive unintended, a delay time can be set here.
Emergency power delay time end
To prevent the emergency power program to stop unintended (due to the temporary stop of the “emergency power active detection”), a delay time can be set here.
Emergency power configuration slave (cluster)
Fill in the configuration of the slave iSii.
The master iSii awaits sending messages to the emergency power system until the slave iSii is in the requested state.
Input emergency power mode from slave
Input ready for reconnection from slave
Output emergency power release to slave
Output emergency power start to slave
The iSii fills in the actual status here. This can be adjusted manually.
Input emergency power release from master
Input emergency power start from master
Output emergency power mode to master
Output ready for reconnection to master
The iSii fills in the actual status here. This can be adjusted manually.
Slave IO via master
This is the list in which can be indicated which signals will be used for the connection between master and slave.
Emergency power alarm
The emergency power program is extended with the following alarm.
Emergency power communication error
If communication between master and slave iSii stops this alarm becomes active. A signal can be connected to this alarm.
Emergency power influences
All iSii ViP settings can be provided with the following emergency power influences.
Emergency power start detection
This can for example be used to speed down (Active Air) fans.