EN - iSii compact: How to connect the Vent position time based ?

EN - iSii compact: How to connect the Vent position time based ?


How to connect the Vent position time based in iSii compact?


Layout control block - v1.5.0

What it does
  • Realize the computed position. Depending on the wind direction this will be the lee side setpoint, the wind side setpoint or the average when the wind blows on the ridge.
  • IO vent open and vent close

Couplings with other control blocks

Couple for each vent to actuate a Vent position. The number of vent positions is unlimited.

Tips for configuration
  • Set the running time open and the running time close
  • Set the start and the end wind direction for ventilation lee and wind side. Wind directions
    that are not used will be controlled as neutral side (average from lee and wind side).
  • Correct if required the converter values.