How to connect Ventilation strategy in iSii compact?
Layout control block - v1.5.0
Control block Ventilation strategy contains 2 vent position calculators: 1 for lee and 1 for wind side
Layout vent position calculators in Ventilation strategy
What the vent position calculator for lee and for wind side does
- Calculates a computed vent position for lee or for wind.
- Takes account of meteo influences and the greenhouse temperature
- Extra storm detection is possible. If present couple this IO to both: lee and wind side.
- Offers the possibility to set an extra minimum position value for a given time.
- Offers the possibility to set an extra maximum position value for a given time.
- Delayed opening of the vents after limiting for rain, storm…
- Alarm when the measured temperature is too high compared to the setpoint ventilation leeside
Coupling the vent position realizers
Couple for each vent to actuate a Vent position. The Vent position exist in different types:
Time based and solar. The number of vent positions is unlimited.
Coupling with climate location
Couple the Ventilation strategy to the right Climate location.
Couplings with upper vents and 1 or 2 side vents that control with the same Aspirator
Use 2 Ventilation strategies: 1 for the upper vents and 1 for the side vent(s).
Couple both Ventilation strategies to the same Climate location. They will use the same setpoint
greenhouse temperature from Greenhouse climate and the same temperature and RH from the Aspirator.