EN - Media folder referenced to shared folder in database PC

EN - Media folder referenced to shared folder in database PC


How to reference the Media folder that in the shared folder is in the database PC ?


Sometimes you can encounter these issues:
- Pictures do not show in slide show in Client PC
- The picture of the employees are not shown in Work-IT by client PC
- etc..

The reason of such problems is usually the referencing of Media folder to a local folder in the PC instead of referencing it to the shared folder in the database PC in the network.  

Here are the steps to reverence the media folder to the shared folder in the database PC. 

First in the Application settings in Work-IT Software:

Click on:
1 - Menu
2 - Tools
3 - Application settings

4 - In the General sub-tab`and Media directory box reference to the shared Media folder in the database PC

5 - click on Save when you finished.

Second by the Slideshow in Work-IT Software:

Click on:
1 - Tracking
2- Slideshow Config

And in a new slide or old slide when you add a Media block you will get this screen

3 - Write down the picture path in the Source box, or choose it from the explore button       (Don't forget to choose the shared folder Media in the network)

In this way you can be sure that the pictures will also be accessible on another PC in the same Network.

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