EN - Using Plan-IT Module in Work-IT

EN - Using Plan-IT Module in Work-IT


How to use Plan-IT module and how to set him up?

Plan-IT module

  “ The planning module in Work-IT is made to get insight into the hours needed to do the tasks at a greenhouse,
if there are enough hours available to do the work and which employee can be assigned to which task and to inform her/him about it.

Last but not least you can compare the planning with the actual hours and see if you reach your planning. “


Note: The Plan-IT module is a paid module and is only available if it is in the license.

There is an extra tab for the Plan-IT module in the main menu bar of Work-IT called (Planning).

But some parts of the Plan-IT module also affects other parts of the program like Billboard-IT for example.

There are different levels of planning:
   - Year planning
Week planning
  -  Day planning

The preparing Settings

A couple of settings need to be made before the planning can take place.

 1-  First of all the job codes need to be grouped for the planning at the planning task groups tab. 


To create a new group, fill in the first line. Then via a drop-down box, the tasks can be selected.

The index determines the sequence in which these planning groups become visible in the plan.


Mostly the same kinds of tasks are grouped together, however, it is also possible to make a group of a single task.


2- Second, the employees need to be grouped together.

This can be done according to the kind of tasks they do together or based on the flexibility in their hours for example.

A new group can be made by filling in the first line. The employees can be selected from a drop-down list. Move the employees to the right to select them.

For quick planning later on, the hours for the whole day and parts of the day can be set for each group of employees. 

    3- Next setting is “Planning employees attributes”

At the planning employees attributes for each employee per location can be set:

-          to which planning employee group the employee belongs, this is selectable via a drop-down box.

-          if the employee is a manager

-          if the employee active is to be used for the planning

-          Which part of the days an employee is available

-          What is the task group the employee is doing

-          For which location the employee is plannable

    4- The next settings is the “Planning Task scheme”                                          (This window is dropped out in Work-IT version 2019-2 and higher)

In a task scheme, repetitive planning rules for a task can be set.  

A row must be created for a set period; the rows are then automatically created for this period in the planning.


The screen below shows all of the created Planning task schemes. A new row can be added by entering new data in the row  *.


The Details function allows details to be entered for a row from the list. Select the row to which the details apply. Click on Details and the screen below will open. You can then define the paths and days on which the tasks are to be planned and the percentage of the task in each day.



This can be used to fill the information in the planning as default in de planning later.

week planning

However it is possible to make a planning per day, most users start making a week planning first and use the week planning to generate a day planning and fill in the remaining information afterward.

As with any planning in Work-IT the planning needs to be done per compartment separately.

To make a week planning go to week planning in the planning menu:


-          Select the week and the greenhouse,

-          If there is already a planning from a week before this one can be copied across,

-          Select a Task to be planned,

-          Give in which rows need to be done in this week for the selected task in the selected week,

-          Give in the expected kg per path or the total amount of KG for the harvesting task(s), Here you must have a plant scheme and must be linked to the above selected task.

-          Give in the expected performance in the speed column,

-          Give in the % of the task that needs to be done on a which day,

   For general jobs like administration, just the amount of hours can be filled in the last field.
With the button  Show Map also the map of the greenhouse can be shown to see which rows are planned for this task as in the picture above

At the Employees tab the amount of employees available for this location can be given in per employee group and the amount of hours they work normally.


If the hours are also planned in the next step, the details will change. so the employee tab is automatically adjusted.  

 At the Planning tab for each task group can be given which employee group will do how many hours.


The colors in the screen shown above determine the sequence of the planned work. The sequence of work is as follows:

1 = blue

2 = pink

3 = beige

4 = green

5 = yellow

When this has been done the available employees at the employees will change automatically.

At the column, Saldo can be seen how many hours there are still available for the employee group. It will turn into red if there are too less hours.


In the example above:

-           first, the hours for the employee group employment agency are used for the harvesting jobs.

-          The hours for twisting job group are used for the fixed job.

-          The remaining hours for twisting job group will be done by the employee group employment agency.

-          A couple of hours still be needed for the twisting job group. Maybe this can be taken from the employee group employment agency because they have hours remaining.

Other locations can be planned in the same way.

In the Overview tab a summary of the planning for all locations is given.


So it displays the number of employees to be planned and the number of employees planned.

When the planning is OK with the button Create day planning the planning for the single days in the week will be filled in with the data from the week planning. Only additional information like the selection of the employee per task group needs to be done to finalize the day planning.

Day planning

 The day planning can be used to:

-          show the day planning at the billboard it

-          In case attendance is used via a terminal and an employee signs in the task group and for example the supervisor can be given to inform the employee what to do at the beginning of the day

-          Compare the planned hours with the realized hours in an overview

Before Work-IT can show this information the day planning needs to be created.

Like all over the planning this needs to be done per location.

-          Select the day.

-          Select the location.

-          Copy a day planning from another day with or without the hours from that day OR

-          Use the “Tasks Week Planning” button to load the information from the week planning OR

-          Just select the planning task group and the task and give in the rows that need to be done, the performance, and the expected kg per row or in total or just the hours at the task tab.

-          With the button Task speed can the last average speed for the task can be used

-          With the button Task scheme can the the task scheme be imported from the Planing Task Scheme 

-          With the button kg/path the last know kg/path can be used.

At the Employees tab the available hours per employee are shown and if employees have holidays or are sick. A manager can be ticked and when he is part of the employee group he will be given as the manager when using attendance at a terminal.

-          The orange colour at the task group indicates there are no hours planned for this task group.

-          The dark orange colour at the Employee shows that the employee group has been changed for this day, and that it is not the default employee group for this employee. 

The Planning tab is the most important part of the planning, because this is the tab where the employees are assigned to the task group and what is actually used in the program.

-          Per employee can be set how many hours he/she is expected to do a task from a task group.

-          When an employee needs to be assigned to more than 1 task group with the hours for the first entered task will be shown in blue indicating the employee needs to start with this task group. The pink colour indicates that it is the second task group This can be changed with the button Make first task and Make second task in the menu bar.

-          The first task is automatically filled in at the column comment 1. This can be overwritten for different information to show the employee when he is signing in the morning when using attendance at a terminal.

-          The supervisor is automatically filled in at the column comment 2. This can be overwritten for different information to show the employee when he is signing in the morning when using attendance at a terminal.

-          At the column saldo can be seen how many hours still can be used to plan the employee.

-          At the bottom at saldo can be seen how many hours still need to be planned for a task group to cover all the expected hours. The saldo is red when there are still hours to be assigned.

At the Location tab the calculated performance for task in a row can be seen. 

Year planning

(Here info)

Where can the planning be used for ?

-          In case a terminal is used for attendance the planning can be used to show the employee what its first task group is of a day and who his supervisor is for this day or other specified information for the employee.


Or it can be also on the virtual Terminal tool in the  Scan-IT app after setting him up as "attendance" :

  -          At the information screen the planning can also be shown.

In the Tracking -> Slideshow   adding these Blocks:
     *  Day planing (Below left slide)
     *  Planned realized (Below right slide)

-          Some standard reports about what has been planned.

From Planning -> Planning Reports ,for example Planning emp. hours/group report.

-          Reports to see the progression at the day 

From  Tracking -> Track planning 


-          Extra line at the task per day in the tracking menu.

From Tracking -> Tasks per day


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