EN - Vapor pressure difference in practice

EN - Vapor pressure difference in practice

Source: Just4Growers

Once you understand what vapor pressure difference is, all those environmental factors you're trying to juggle in your mind suddenly click into place and you start to think and feel like a plant.
Take a few minutes to understand why VPD management is key to creating the perfect indoor growing environment! Your plants will thank you for it!

So here the different zones for VPD:

You can create a table with the different zones, for example when the deviation between greenhouse temperature and plant temperature is 2 °C:

When the deviation between greenhouse temperature and plant temperature is higher or lower than 2 °C then you need another table.

Greenhouse temperature 20°C - 70% RH
Planttemperature 18 °C

Then the VPD (vapour pressure difference) is 0,43 kPa. We are in the low transpiration / propagation / early veg zone.

You can measure the planttemperature using a planttemperature sensor:

What could you do to control the VPD?

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