EN - Why it doesn't show the amount of plants per hour in the report on performances in Work-IT

EN - Why it doesn't show the amount of plants per hour in the report on performances in Work-IT


Why it doesn't show the amount of plants per hour In the report on performances such as de-leafing, lowering, etc. ?


Such problems often occurs  when a task is not linked to the plant scheme. 
Plant schemes are used to determine the standards for tasks that are calculated on the basis of plants amount. 

Here are the steps that illustrate how to make a plant scheme and link it to a task in a certain location inside a greenhouse. 

If you want keep historical data, do not overwrite existing plantschemes.
Always create a new plantscheme with a new start and end date.

1 -   Create new Plant scheme:

1. Click on Menu
2. Click on Tasks
3. Click on Plant Scheme

4. Click on New to create a new plant scheme.

    The following screen will appear.
5. Now assign a name or number to the new plant scheme .    ( For example PlantschemeTest )
6. Click OK

7. Select the row by left clicking on the Row, or select multi rows with the mouse.
8. click on Number of plants 

Explanation of Amount of plants Form screen

Start date
Here you determine the start date of the scheme.

Select only even numbered paths.

Select only odd numbered paths.

Plants per Area (m2)
Allocate a path on the basis of number of plants per 1 m2.

Amount of plants
Allocate on the basis of number of plants per path.
(Here you can direct choose the amount of plants in the row)

For example:

10. When you are finished click on OK.

11. click on Save.

Once the Plants Scheme has been created, it can be linked to the tasks in Task and Plant scheme.

Connect the tasks to the newly create plant scheme, with a new start date you want to plant scheme to be active.

1. Click on Menu
2. Click on Tasks
3. Click on Task and Plant Scheme

4.Choose the wished location where you want the scheme take place. ( For example Greenhouse 1 )
5. Click on New.
6. Choose the task that you want to be linked to the scheme. ( For example Twisting 
7. Choose the plant scheme that you want to be linked to also. ( For example PlantschemeTest 
8. Choose the start date. ( for example 13/06/2019)

* You don't have to choose anything in Number of plants column, it comes itself from the amount of plants of the selected rows in PlantschemeTest scheme. 

When you are finished click on Save.

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