EN - How to continue with a default IRS Control Station IP address

EN - How to continue with a default IRS Control Station IP address

In some occasions an iSii Control Station, especially IRS 1 and IRS2 with older software versions, loose their IP address when restarting after a power outage. The message “No connection available to one or more Control stations” is displayed in the taskbar of the Control Station Monitor.


To check what is wrong open the Control Station support tool in Program\Hoogendoorn\service\Control Station\ and click on the tab Change IP Address.

If a green check mark is shown (Default (empty) control station)  you know that the Control Station has lost its IP address.

This is the reason that the Controll Station does not restart automatically. What usually helps is the following:


Turn off the power of the Control Station. Wait at least 20 seconds. Then turn it on again. Then wait at least 4 minutes. In most cases the Control Station should be working again. If this does not help, then repeat the above one more time.


If The Control Station has not restarted after 2 extra trials, please contact your dealer or the Hoogendoorn Helpdesk. To help you  restart the Control Station from a remote computer with Teamviewer, internet access is required.

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