EN - iSii alarm notifications on a mobile device

EN - iSii alarm notifications on a mobile device


How do I get iSii alarm notifications on a mobile device ?


The Pushover Alarm app provides an opportunity for you to be notified of alarms on your smartphone.
This is available from iSii version 5.

Select Hoogendoorn/Service/Push notifications in the start menu, and follow the instructions on screen.

First create an account with the Pushover service. Then look for the Pushover app in the app store of your mobile smartphone provider, and install it on your phone.

If there is an alarm, your iSii will then send a notification via the Pushover server to your smartphone, where it will be displayed as shown below.

If the Pushover signal is switched on, you will hear a signal with every incoming alarm, also alarms that are not reported via the dial out system. In iSii version 7 the Alarm App can be set so Pushover does not give a signal with so called silent alarms (no alarm actuation is activated) but only on loud alarms when one or more alarms signals are generated. This way the Alarm App serves as a back-up system for the dial out system. Be aware however that this alarm app requires a functioning internet connection. Contrary to a dial out system it has not been developed as a fail-safe alarm system. The distinction between loud and silent alarms can also be practical in situations where different people with different responsibilities receive alarms on their cellphones.

Note: “Quiet hours” settings apply to the complete Pushover account. This means that those settings apply to all cellphones that receive alarms from your iSii via the alarm app.

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