EN - Work-IT Packaging - Setting up DTS-V with Terminal

EN - Work-IT Packaging - Setting up DTS-V with Terminal


How to setup Work-IT Packaging with a DTS-V scale and terminal.


Preparing the DTS-V.

1. Connect the DTS-V scale to the same network and turn it on.

2. When the DTS-V scale is turned on, press the 'LOG IN' button and enter the number '78737' on the keypad and press 'Enter'
The last digit won't be visible'

3. Now you should see 'Super User' on the screen of the DTS-V, this means the login has been succesfull.

4. Press 'Setup' and press '5' on the numpad to go 'Communication' and  press 'Enter'

5. Make sure the settings are as followed:
To adjust a setting, use the the arrow keys to select the setting and then press 'Enter', then press the left or right arrow key to change it and press 'Enter' again to save.

6. Press 'ESC' to go to the normal display mode of the scale.

Preparing the Terminal

1. Inside the Packaging client go to the logo in the top left, then to 'Locations' and open 'Terminals'.

2.  Press 'New'.

4. Then fill in the details in the opened window, make sure to set 'Router Type' to 'Lkl' and 'Connection type' to 'TcpClient'.
The 'Port' number is then the number of the port that the terminal is connected to, for a data converter box this would be 4001.
The IP-Address' is the IP of the Moxa used for the terminal.
Lastly click on 'Click here to add a new row'
Then make sure to set the same Terminal ID the terminal is configured on, this also has to be precise.
E.g. Terminal with ID 2 would have to be 002.

Here is an example of a complete Warehouse Terminal configuration.

Setting up the scale in Packaging with a Task

1. Inside the Packaging client go to the logo in the top left, then to 'Locations' and open 'Scale locations'.

2. Then Select 'New' to create a new scale location.

3. In the opened window fill in the following information. Name is of own choosing, ‘type’ depends on what kind of communication is being used. The ‘location’ is for the location of the scales. Program ID can be set on 1.

The IP-Address would be the starting IP of the scales, then it will automatically increment the IP-Address for the remaining scales.

Here is an example.

Here you can also see the 'Number' also is the

2. Now to create a Task to use with the scales go to the logo in the top left, and select Tasks, and then Tasks again.

3. Then press on the 'New' button.

4. Then in the next Window fill in the following details.
For the 'Task' information fill in a free task number and give the task a name, often the desired weight is also used in the task name.

For the 'Question scheme' you can use an existing one, or create a new one.
It's important to have the 'Type of registration' on 'Start' as you fill in the task before weighing.
The rest can remain empty.

For the 'Norm' category this is mostly preference.
Although for 'Performance limit type' often 'Percantage' is used.

Now for the 'Small packing' information.
You could use an 'Existing package' or create a 'New package'.
As the same reason for the task name, often the weight is included in the 'package name'.

For the following details, see below.

Package weight = Tare weight

Average content = target weight

Range for scale = weighings within this range will be seen as valid weights

Accepted weight = The weight is stored when within this range, but can be seen as invalid.

End weighing if under = A new weighing will be started once the scale went below this number.

Stable weight = Weight that it may deviate to be seen as stable.
Stable weight time = How long the weight should be the same to be considered stable.
Minimal weight time = Minimum time between valid weighings.

Step size = the amount of grams the scale increments with.

Weight Analyzer name = the name you can give to the preset of a weigh analyzer type, you could give this the same name as the task if everything uses the same scale.
Weigh analyzer type = how Work-IT 'handles' the scale, for the DTS-V this would be 'Analysis by scale'. 



1. Fill in your 'Personal number' on the terminal.
Then the 'Task' number.
And then the Workplace of the scale.

Then on the DTS-V the worker should appear.

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