EN - How can I set the pump to start and stop automatically based on a level measurement?

EN - How can I set the pump to start and stop automatically based on a level measurement?

EN - How can I set the pump to start and stop automatically based on a level measurement?

First the various controls must be correctly connected. Click here to check this. Then the settings of the various controls could be set correctly. 

1.      Set Crop section
- 'Phase 2 supply' is the minimum dosing amount.
- 'use ViP-settings recipe' Here 'Phase 2 supply: ViP as max' must be selected. Optionally, the PH and EC settings can also be used from the recipe if this is desired. 'Phase 2 supply: ViP as min' may not be selected, if this is the case the valve will not stop filling when the stop level is reached.

2.      Set Recipe
- 'Phase 2 supply amount: ViP' is the maximum dosing amount
- 'Start- en stopconditions' the row 'stop level' and 'start level' (with version 8 and below there is 'stop contact' and 'start contact') must be selected to start on the start and stop on the level ViP settings.
- 'Level measurement start and stop time' here the desired start and stop time must be set between which time the recipe may start based on the level measurement.

3.      Set valve
- 'type of valve' choose here for 'level valve'

4.      Set start en stop level
- In the two marked ViP settings the desired start and stop levels can be set.

If all the settings above are correctly set, the pump / valve will be started automatically on the basis of the measured level.

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