How to use +TO Control module ?
In +TO Control 1.0 (from iSii version 2) the control is based on average temperature per several days.
In the setting "24 hour temperature: ViP" you set what the required (averaged) temperature over the 24 hour optimization period must be.
The setting "length of optimization period" indicates the length of the period across which you would like to apply temperature optimization. You can set a value between 1 and 7 days.
Example: If it is important for your plant that a certain temperature is realized averaged across 4 days, set the optimization period to 4 days. With this option, you always have a current overview of the temperature required, realized and the deviation from the current point in time up to 4 days ago.
You set a start time for the coming 24 hours and a 24 hour temperature. During the progress of the optimization period, the deviation between the measured and the required temperature is monitored. If the temperature realized is higher than the required value at the start set for the new 24 hour period, a positive deviation value is computed. If it has been colder than required inside the greenhouse, this value will be negative. The values realized across 24 hours will be stored, so that you can easily and quickly compare values with the help of weekly and periodical overviews.
In addition to the registration of a 24 hour average, an average is also recorded for an optimization period, and you can set the length of this optimization period between 1 and 7 days yourself.
The computed deviation ‘realized temperature optimization period’ - ‘computed temperature optimization period’ can be used as an influence, for example to adjust the heating strategy for the coming period based on an “excess” or a “lack” of temperature realized in the past period.
You can use this influence in any desired ViP, for example the heating temperature. If it was too warm in the greenhouse during the optimization period just past (there is a positive influence then), this influence can be used to decrease the heating temperature ViP. By making adjustments in the period required, for instance only during the night, and by setting the speed of the reduction of a temperature excess, you can influence the realization of the required optimum temperature yourself.
In +TO Control 2.0 (from iSii version 8) the control is based on average temperature per day.
The night time is used for compensation.
In +TO Control 2.1 (from iSii version 9) the control is also based on average temperature per day.
The night time is used for compensation. During night time there is a constant recalculation to achieve a more precise 24 hour average.
The 24hour temperature in +TO Control is adapted with influences of outside radiation and PAR sum crop.
So a higher radiation sum or PAR sum is resulting in a higher average temperature.
From iSii version 8 it was possible to compensate per day instead of compensate in several days.
In version 9 the influences "calculated temperature dark period" and "deviation optimization temperature" are available.
If the realized averager temperature is too high, then the heating temperature is decreased (first influence).
During the dark period there is a constant recalculation to achieve a precise 24 hour average (second influence).
In Hoogendoorn Analytics you can see the result of +TO Control:
Attention: you need a subscription for Hoogendoorn Analytics: Radiation-Temperature Ratio