EN - Installing SQL Server and Work-IT

EN - Installing SQL Server and Work-IT

How do I install SQL Server and Work-IT ?

Installation manual SQL Server and Work-IT

This manual is to help you with the installation and setup for the software you need to use Work-IT

You'll need the installation folder with the following content:
- Installer 
- Backup ( demo database ) 
- License

The installation of the SQL server 2017:

1. Download SQL server 2017

2. Choose your language and click on Download
    The download will start in Chrome it will appear in the lower left corner of your screen. 

3. When the installation start, you’ll see the following screen appears, click on Custom to continue.

4. The screen below will appear , click on  New SQL stand-alone server.

5. Check this option
    ✔ I accept the license terms 

6. Click three times on Next. Now the Microsoft R and Python needs to be installed, 
7. Select in the next window  Default Instance and click on Next.

8. Check in the following window the option below and continue with Next
      ✔  Grant perform Volume Maintenance Task Privilege to SQL Server Database Engine Service. 
9. In the following window select Mixed mode and set the following password Work-IT01!   
    This password you’ll need later on the installation procedure

Now the Microsoft R and Python needs to be installed, 

10. click on Next -> Accept -> Next and again on Next to complete the installation

This can take up to 30 minutes 
11. Go again to the window below to start the Install SQL Server Management Tools.
    An webpage will open, download the most recent GA version of SSMS 

The newest tested version of SSMS is 17.9.1.
Just follow the below 2 steps in the website to download SSMS 17.9.1 version :



12. In the installation window, click on Install when the installation is finished click on close

13. Start the SQL Server Configuration Manager by searching in your Windows menu, when SQL Server Configuration Manager is not in your Windows menu       open File Explorer and paste one of the file paths below in the  File Explorer.

SQL Server 2017
SQL Server 2016
SQL Server 2014 (12.x)

14. Go trough all the titles on left side of the window, when in the right  Aliases / Protocols appears click on this and enable all features 

In the window  SQL Server Network Configuration.

  Click with  right mouse on Shared Memory and select Enable.
  Click with  right mouse on Named Pipes and select Enable.
  Click with  right mouse on TCP/IP and select Enable.

15. Click in the left menu on SQL Server Services with right mouse click on SQL Server MSSQL click on  Properties and set the  Start Mode on  Automatic

16. Click in the left menu on SQL Server Services with right mouse click on SQL Server MSSQL and then click on  Restart

      Note: Changes will only take place after a restart

17. Open Windows Firewall with advanced Security menu.


18. Click on outbound rules and create a  New rule

19. Select Port


Click on Next

20. fill in the specified ports at Specific local ports: 80,8080,12345,12346,1433,1434,1471,51211,51212

Click Next,

21. select  Allow the connections


Click Next

22. Give the rule a name Work-IT Ports  and click on Finish

23. Open Windows Firewall with advanced Security

24. Click in Inbound rules and create a New Rule

25. Select Port

26. Choose this time for UDP
      Select Specific local ports and fill in 1434

Click Next,

27. select  Allow the connections

Click Next

28. Give the rule a name Work-IT Ports and click on Finish

Add both TCP and UDP ports to both  outbound rules and  Inbound rules  just to be sure.

-------  Now the SQL Installation is completed. ------- 

The installation of the Work-IT: 

1. Create a folder on C:\ and make sure you have read and write rights call the folder WorkIT.  
   The directory will be C:\ WorkIT.  

2. In this folder create a folder with the name License and copy the license file in there. 

3. Copy the Item from a by Hoogendoorn supplied folder in to the C:\ WorkIT directory
   The folder will contain the following items:
     - Installer
     - License file (.LIC)
     - Backup file (.BAK ) demo database

4. Open the Installer folder and start the Installer.exe

5. Click Basic installation to continue, General installation settings, standard default directory veld C:\WorkIT and click on Next

6. Fill in CMD in the start menu and open the Command Prompt

7. Type commando echo %computername% then press Enter key on your keyboard.

 You see that the computer name in this exampel is NBNI014.

8.Now you can fill the folowing informations ( see the window below)   

  Servername :                     NBNI014
  Database:                          WorkIT
  Create database               
  Backup/restore                  ✔ C:\WorkIT\Backup
  Autenthication:                  SQL Server authentication
  Username:                          sa ( sys admin )
  Password                            Work-IT01! ( this password you created during the SQL installation )

9. Test the connection by clicking on Test the connection , if the connection is not OK check your filled in fields and try again.
     If you connection still does not work, ask Hoogendoorn for help.
10. Click on Next if the connection is OK

11. In the screen below you’ll need a license via (1) Select new license and fill in de the 8-digit (2)  verification code supplied with the lic file.
Check if the license file ( .lic) in combination with  verification code match with check license

Company code:        HGM (automatically filed in if the license is added ) 
License:                   open the directory to the C:\WorkIT\License and select the license file
When the following text appear New/updated license is valid       the license accept the company code and click on (3) Next.

12. For software demo purposes you’ll only need to select the following: 
- Databasetool
- Work-IT Client ( ClickOnce)
- Work-IT Service

13. When you’re also going to connect hardware ( terminals, door controllers etc. )
      you also need to select:
- Work-IT Hardware Service

✔ Backup previous versions.
✔ Start Service

14. Click on Next followed by Start installation,

this can take up to 10 minutes. If the installation will stop please contact Hoogendoorn.

15. After the installation is finished go to the Work-IT directory C:\WorkIT\ and open Work-IT Client ClickOnce and run the Setup.exe
     After the installation of the setup is finished you’ll see Work-IT icon on your desktop

Login with the following credentials

Username : HGM
Password  : Work-IT01!

16. Now you’ll have an empty database, if you want to restore a demo database continue with the following steps.
Go to Service

17. Stop the Nitea – Service

18. To restore the demo database,go to C:\WorkIT\ and copy the .BAK file in to the backup directory C:\WorkIT\Backup

19. Go to SQL Server …. Management Studio


20. Fill the folowing:

Database Engine
HOO-LT-0065 ( your computer name )
SQL Server Authentication

Click on Connect

21. Click with a right mouse click on the WorkIT


22. Click on  Restore and select  Database 

23. Select Device go to click on and go to the C:\WorkIT\Backup\ and select the .BAK file

24. In the screen below click on Options , ✔Overwrite the existing database go back to General and click on OK


Restoring the database will take about 5 minutes depending on the database size

25. Start the Nitea – Service again in the Service window

26. The demo database you can login via with the following credentials , don’t forget to set the language setting.

Username : HGM
Password :  HGM

-------  Now the Work-IT Installation is completed. ------- 

It is very important to backup Work-IT database, here in the following article, you can see more information about backup:

EN - Backup Work-IT database

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