EN - How do I switch the computer to daylight saving or standard time?

EN - How do I switch the computer to daylight saving or standard time?

How do I switch the computer to daylight saving or standard time?


You decide when the iSii switches over to daylight saving time or standard time. This is not done automatically. It is recommended to program the switch over one day in advance. The iSii will move the next day at 2 AM to daylight saving or standard time. The time is then moved forward or backward by one hour. The recommended method of changing to daylight saving time is as follows:

  1. Open the Clock setting list from the Explorer on a worksheet

  2. Click on the button  to change the date and time.
  3. Then click on the tab 
  4. Put a tick in the selection box: Switch over the next night, without changing ViPs (recommended).

  5. Click on Apply and then close the Clock setting list. The iSii is going to switch over the next day.

Did you forget to program the switch over one day in advance? There is also an option to do it afterwards.

 If you choose an immediate switch, please don’t do it close to the start time of ‘day period: start time’ or ‘day period end time’. Keep the moment you switch more than an hour away from such times.

If you would like to switch over directly there are 2 options available:

  1. Switch over immediately without adjusting ViPs
The time will be put one hour backward or forward immediately without the adjustment of any ViP settings. This means that ViP periods set on fixed times will remain unchanged. For example, if the lighting is switched on every morning at 6:00 also the next day this will be 6:00.
  1. Switch over immediately and adjust ViPs
The time will be put one hour backward or forward immediately and all fixed time settings will be adjusted. This means that if the time is put one hour forward the lighting (when set on a fixed time) will not switch on at 6:00 but at 7:00. For the crop this is the best choice because it will not ‘notice’ it.

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