EN - How does a vent position work on a time basis

EN - How does a vent position work on a time basis

This article is only for Hoogendoorn Partners


The vent position is not measured.
How does a vent position work on a time basis?


Perform this operation at access level: Service.

1. Double click on Vent position realisation vent 1 or vent 2

2. Select the vent you want to calibrate
3. Click OK

4. Click the Service tab
5. The realization method must be on "time basis"

time basis: run time vent 0% to 100 % - m:s
time basis: run time vent 100 % to 0 % - m:s
time basis: run time vent closed to 0 % - m:s

0% = “vents starting to open” (they are in standby position)

100% = fully open = motor is stopped by the limit switch.

Note: In practice the adjustment is normally set such that the limit switch is only just not actuated. This is done in order to rule out risks from faulty limit switches as far as possible. Admittedly, without a vent position measurement, it is not possible to rule out the limit switch having to stop the vent actuation because the vent cannot be controlled as accurately. Actuation is stopped once the 100% position has been reached. 

Closed = fully closed = motor is stopped by the limit switch. With a computed vent position of 0%, the vent is continuously closed.

The 0% - 100% running time is proportionately allocated. The running time of the motors must be at least 120 seconds to be able to regulate to an accuracy of 1% for actuation times in whole seconds.

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