EN - How to manage Bonuses (Check-IT) in Work-IT

EN - How to manage Bonuses (Check-IT) in Work-IT


How to manage Quantity and Quality Bonuses in Work-IT ?


The following graphic summarizes the steps explained about  Managing Bonuses.

1.   Create new Quantity Bonus

Click on:

1. Rewarding.
2. Quantity.

3. New.
    A new screen opens in which data must be entered in order to create the performance bonus ( Quantity bonus)
4. Choose the name, for example TestQuantity
5. Add new row and fill it, for example:
     Let's make a quantity bonus with the Target performance 150 kg per hour, so that the employee that has a performance higher than this target will get 0.40 minutes (24 seconds) for each extra kg higher than the target.
     So here I've just chose the period (from start date  22-07-2019 until  end date 31-07-2019) , the task (Picking), location (Greenhouse 1), the unit (Kg), the value (150) the type (Target performance), and the rest will be generated automatically.
     Here I let the Employee part (100%), but you can choose another percentage as your work policy demands.
 Note: per location and per task you will need to make a line.
You can make as many lines as you need for new tasks or the same tasks with different periods or locations.
6. Ok.

2.   Create new Quality Bonus

The Quality bonuses depends on the quantity bonuses to be calculated,
So you can't have a quality bonuses without quantity bonuses, but you can have only quantity bonuses.

a)    In order to create new Quality bonus you must create new Quality bonus table  or use an existing one.

     To create new Quality bonus Table :

Click on:
1. Rewarding.
2. Quality Bonus Table

Create a new quality bonus table by selecting New at the top left. A new screen opens in which the name of the table can be created

3. New.
4. Choose the name, for example  TestQBTable.
5. Ok.

6. Click on Click here to add a new row to create a new row. The table can be used in two ways.
    A positive/negative percentage bonus or a bonus time per hour can be linked to a quality score.
7. Save.

Here this row means that if an employee got Quality score ( 1 ) then he will get 25% only from his Quantity bonus.
By  " Percentage quantity bonus" field you can create  ( 5 ) scenarios by each grade:
1- If you use (0%) then the employee will get 0% percent of his quantity bonus, so actually there will be no bonuses for him at all.
2- If you use a positive percentage less than 100 (like 60%), then the employee will gel only 60% of his  quantity bonus, and the rest (40%) will be deleted.
3- If you use (100%), then that means the employee get the whole 100% of his quantity bonus and nothing will be deleted.
4-If you use a positive percentage more than 100 (like 120%), then the employee will get his whole 100% of bonus quantity plus the 20% of this quantity bonus.
5- Finally, If you use negative percentage (like -10%), then the employee first he will get nothing from his quantity bonus, so 100% will be deleted, moreover a 10% of this quantity bonus will be cut from his salary!!.
    (the fifth  scenario is related with the minimum hour tarief that setup in Employees -> Data, then the "Wages" sub-window)

As soon as a quality grade (score) is given to the employee for a certain task, the bonus is automatically calculated.

How the Quality Grades(scores) are determined ? You can manage it from Inspection Template window.
Here is an article explains the Inspection Template and how to set it up:

EN- Using Check-IT module in Work-IT

b)    Let's create Quality bonus and link a Quality Bonus Table to it..

Click on:
1. Rewarding.
2. Quality.

3. New.
4. Choose the name , for example TestQuality .
5. Fill the Start and End date, the task (for example . picking) and the location, and link a table to it (for example . TestQBTable 
6. Ok.

When you finish, don't forget to save it.

3.   Create new Payment group:

Click on:
1- Rewarding.
2- Configuration (Payments).

And to create a new  Payment Group:

3- Click on New.
4- Choose the name of Payment group, for example  TestBG.
5- Click on sub-tab Quantity bonuses
6. Choose the Start and End date, and link the Quantity bonus TestQuantity to it (Which we created it in step 1).
7. Click on sub-tab Quality bonuses.
8.  Choose the Start and End date, and link the Quality bonus  TestQuality to it (Which we created it in step 2).
9. Ok.

Of course there is no need to create a new  Payment Group, we can use an existing payment group and link the both the Quantity and Quality bonuses to it.
When you finish, don't forget to save it.

4.   Linking the Payment group to an Employee:

In our example next, let's choose the employee Tom.
Click on:
1-   Employee .
2- Data , and then double click on Tom .

3- Click on sub-tab Payment group.
4- Choose the start date, and link the payment group TestBG to it. (Which we created in step 3)
5- Ok.

Don't forget to Save.

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