EN - How to setup an iSii ABCD controller?

EN - How to setup an iSii ABCD controller?


How to setup an iSii ABCD controller.

An ABCD contoller is used to control the EC based on ABCD mix ratio with pulses between 0,1 and 1 second.

An ABCD controller is acting as a Datapoint.
The bus coupler is a C150e instead of a C150.
The C150e is programmed as an ABCD controller.

After power down, the power supply of the ABCD controller must be switched on by a Datapoint (output of uni week switching continuously at 100).
Otherwise you have to manually start the ABCD controller every time after every startup of the EtherCAN.

ABCD controller settings

Minimum pulse length 0,1 sec. Set the pulse time that fertilizer is dosed.

EC control settings


Set the maximum gross measurement of the "calculated valve position" to 1000 for the 4 fertilizers.
The "cycle time" at 8 seconds and "minimum lenght actuation pulse" at 0.2 seconds.

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