EN - How to start irrigation based on radiation sum

EN - How to start irrigation based on radiation sum


How to start irrigation based on radiation sum


The picture below shows the recipes settings.

unit phase 2 supply
phase 2 supply time: ViP
The supply time is 3 minutes for every cycle.

EC control EC value: ViP
The EC value is set to 1.5

Decrease the EC value when we get more radiation. Because the plant needs more water than fertilizer when it is sunny.

pH control: pH value
The pH value is set to 5.5

fertilizer phase 2: number
The ferlizer number 1 is selected

interval: ViP
delay time: ViP
With the interval time and delay you can make your irrigation strategy.
The interval time is the minimum time between 2 cycles. In this case 30 minutes.
The interval time + delay time is the maximum time between 2 cycles. In this case 30 + 60 = 90 minutes.

So on a very sunny day irrigation is constantly starting on radiation sum, only limited bij the interval time.
If 30 minutes is too long between 2 cycles, then you can lower the interval time.

On a very dark day irrigation is starting on time, so after interval time + delay time.
If 90 minutes is too short or too long, then you can change the delay time.

cycles: number
This is the maximum amount of cycles per day

type of start recipe
This recipe is repeated every day

start- and stop conditions
The options "radiation" and "time" are selected

time: start relative to
time: start time
time: stop relative to
time: stop time
The irrigation is allowed for time between 08:00 am to 17:00 pm.

radiation: start relative to
radiation: start time
radiation: stop relative to
radiation: stop time
The irrigation is allowed for radiation sum between 08:00 am to 18:00 pm.

radiation sum start: ViP
radiation threshold start: ViP
Irrigation is starting when the radiation sum is more than 100 J/cm2 and the actual radiation measurement is more than 250 W/m2.

In the afternoon more frequently starts of irrigation

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