EN - Using Scan-IT to make an registration

EN - Using Scan-IT to make an registration

Before using this manual, you must have your smartphone ready with Scan-IT installed.

If you would like to know how to create tags follow this article:

How to use a RFID card/tag with Scan-IT?


Using RFID tags with Scan-IT:

To use a RFID card you need to have a phone which has NFC functionality, or a RFID Terminal.

When using the 'Scan-IT' app first select a profile. (this profile is just an example)

Then go to the menu (three stripes button) and select 'New Registration'.

Then hold down the right tags to the phone, based on the order of the questions.
P.S. The fields can also be entered manually without using the tags, but in this case we are using a profile based on tags.
As an example, the first question here is 'Employee'. 
Hold an employee tag against the phone to scan it, then follow up with a task tag and a location tag.

On the photo a RFID Card is used, ofcourse there are other types of tags that can also be used. (For example a disc tag for carts)

After all the fields have been scanned, it will complete the registration and send it to the Work-IT server automatically.

You can also see the registration in the registration outbox.
To go there tap on the icon of the outbox.

Then the registration outbox will open.

The registration can of course also be found in Work-IT Client and Web.

Work-IT Client:

Go to 'Tracking':

Go to 'By employee':

Then you'll see the registration that has been made with the 'Scan-IT' app.

Work-IT Web:

Open the menu and go to 'Tracking' and then 'Track employee'.

Then you'll see the registration that has been made with the 'Scan-IT' app.

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