EN - How to use Change viewer

EN - How to use Change viewer


iSii settings are regularly adjusted, and these changes are stored in the iSii system. How can you look back over the values which were set in the past?


With Change viewer, available from iSii version 3, you can look back over the values which were set in the past. Changes are displayed with the following columns shown.
  1. ChangeTime: The date and time in minutes whenever a change was undertaken.
  2. Configuration: the iSii configuration the change was undertaken on.
  3. Computer: the location where the change was undertaken.
  4. User: the name of the user logged in who undertook the change.
  5. Setting: the setting which was changed.
  6. Group: the name of the group to which changes were made.
  7. Value: the new value of the setting

Connecting to iSii

After starting the application, a connection must be established with the configuration.
  1. Enter the IP address of the configuration. If you are working from an operating station, you can use IP address
    If you are working from a remote station, you need to enter the IP address of that remote station.
  2. Enter a valid user name and password.
  3. Connect to the configuration.
Once the connection is established, the changes of the current day are shown.

The next time the application starts, the connection settings are saved, and once you click “Connect”, the changes are imported.
If you need to connect to a different configuration, you can change these settings.

Filtering setting changes

The Change viewer offers several ways to filter changes. Changes to the filter are executed
immediately, and it is possible to filter by several fields.
  1. Begin and End: Filter options “Begin” and “End” will show changes undertaken in a specific period.
    All changes from the day selected in “Begin” up to and including the day in " End " are shown.
  2. User: This shows all changes made by a certain user.
  3. Group: This shows changes with the same group name.

Sorting setting changes

You can sort all changes by clicking on the column header. The column is sorted in ascending order first.
By clicking the column again, the changes are sorted in descending order.

Retrieving and storing setting changes

Retrieval: After starting the application, all changes to the configuration are retrieved. This can take several minutes. During the retrieval process, a progress bar is shown, and buttons are deactivated.
Refresh: By pressing the Refresh button, all changes are retrieved once again.
Save to file: All changes can be saved in different formats.

  1. Retrieving all setting history data available on the iSii
  2. Storing these data in Excel format
  3. Selecting a connection to, for instance, another iSii
  4. Setting filter begin date
  5. Setting filter end date
  6. Setting filter user *
  7. Setting filter group *
  8. Sorting columns by clicking the column header
  9. Click on the “ViP” label to open the ViP legend of the respective setting
* Just part of the name is sufficient to start filtering

ViP legends can be compared to each other in a simple manner:

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