EN - How to set MeteoRadar iSii version 10

EN - How to set MeteoRadar iSii version 10


How can MeteoRadar be configured?
How do I reduce maximum vent with increasing rainfall intensity?

MeteoRadar iSii version 10


Version 10 makes data available via an API. As a result, the data from MeteoGroup has improved and Hoogendoorn Growth Management has been able to improve the scheme. In addition, the operation has been made more practical.
The forecast is for a maximum period of 30 minutes. It consists of six five-minute intervals. Rain intensity, wind direction and the region are determining factors for the timely reduction of the vent position to maximum vent meteoradar. By choosing a larger area around the company than just the size of the company, MeteoRadar influences the important wind direction for cultivation. And because the area of observation is larger, it is also possible to respond adequately to passing shower activity.

Figure 1. It can be seen that the rain intensity expected by MeteoRadar (yellow) coincides with the actual rain status (light blue).


Figure 2. To ensure that the maximum vent position in the event of approaching rain is reduced to 'maximum vent meteoradar' in time, a sufficiently large area around the company should be chosen. It is customary to choose a surface of approximately 10 square kilometers for this. The plane can be chosen so that the company falls within it. But there is more, see next picture.

Figure 3. If precipitation in combination with a southwest wind increases the chance of raining in, the map can be modified so that the company is located in the top right corner of the map.


Figure 4. Based on the settings in the above window, a 'maximum vent meteoradar' follows if a maximum rainfall intensity of 0.2 mm/hr is expected somewhere in the map somewhere within the next 15 minutes.

The value of the precipitation intensity is the maximum within the hatched area. This means that if somewhere in the  map in which the company is located, this intensity is expected to be maximum, then the condition is met to limit the maximum vent position to 'maximum vent meteoradar'.

Weather status meteoradar = on already applies if 0.2 mm/hr rain is expected in only one of the future three periods.

Figure 5. The probability of precipitation in one of the chosen future periods determines that the maximum vent position is reduced to the maximum vent meteoradar. The image of the greenhouse with the vents (green) open shows that no rain intensity is expected, so that the conditions for maximum vent meteoradar are not met.

Figure 6. Rain is expected somewhere in the hatched area (from Figures 2 and 3), more than 0.2 mm/hr within 15 minutes from now.

Figure 7. The maximum vent position is determined by the maximum vent meteoradar. The reason is that at least 0.2 mm/hr of rain is expected in the next 15 minutes. Even after 15 minutes have passed, but this does not determine whether the vents should be kept closed.

The image of the greenhouse with the vents (blue) closed shows that rain intensity is expected.

Pinch vents when higher rain intensity is expected

Usually, the maximum vent position is reduced to the maximum vent Meteoradar. If the rain intensity will be more than 0.2 mm/hr, the maximum vent position can be further limited to prevent raining in.

If this is desired, it is necessary to set an influence on (for example) the VIP setting 'lee side vent maximum meteoradar'. The influence depends on 'Meteoradar: expected rain intensity - mm/hr' (based on expected max in three intervals in Figures 5 - 7)

Figure 8. Following the example in Figure 7 above, the maximum vent position of the Meteoradar is 45%. With a precipitation forecast of more than 0.2 mm/hr, the maximum vent Meteoradar is further reduced to 30% (45 minus 15). See also the image below.




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