EN - iSii Limited user

EN - iSii Limited user


1. Preparation

  1. Create a folder "Limited user"
  2. Create setting lists and surveys for a limited user in this folder
  3. Drag and drop the folder in the library

2. Create a user

  1. In the main menu click Edit / Users to get to the UserManager
  2. You must be a user with Manager rights
  3. Add user Kevin
  4. Password 1234
  5. Choose Standard rights
  6. Click OK
  7. Close the UserManager
  8. Log off

3. Create a new empty user interface

  1. Log on as Kevin
  2. Click Edit / Connections to get to the Connection Manager
  3. Tick Connect automatically
  4. Change Login details
    user Kevin
    password 1234
  5. Click Test connection
  6. Click Yes and OK
  7. Click Close

4. Build up the new user interface

  1. Create folders and worksheets
  2. Drag and drop the setting lists and surveys from the library to the folders and worksheets
  3. Log off

5. Switch rights to limited

  1. Log on with your own account
  2. In the main menu click Edit / Users to get to the UserManager
  3. Change the Standard rights to Limited rights for user Kevin
  4. Close the UserManager
  5. Log off

6. Log on as limited user

  1. Log on as Kevin
  2. Now the user interface of Kevin appears

7. Want to change something?

  1. Log on with your own account
  2. Change Limited rights to Standard rights for user Kevin
  3. Log off
  4. Log on as Kevin
  5. Change something in the user interface
  6. Log off
  7. Log on with your own account
  8. Change the Standard rights to Limited rights for user Kevin

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