En - Setting up Task question scheme by packages

En - Setting up Task question scheme by packages


How to setup a Task question scheme when entering number of the packages?

Entering number of packages by harvesting:

Sometimes we need to work with only packages instead of weighing by harvesting, or with packages and weighing together.
Next, we will explain how to set up Task question schemes to do harvesting with only packages.

Here we have two situations, based on the task registration type (End -Start)

(1) End registration task

By End registration task, we can only enter one sort packages by both terminal and smartphone (Scan-IT app).

Make sure to :
  1- Check the option "Ask for package"
  2- Select the previously created package (for example the package "TestPackage" )
      To see more information about how to make a package you can also see this article:
  EN - How to setup weight scale and manage the packages in Work-IT (Pack-IT)

  3- Select the attributes "Package"
  4- Link the task question scheme to a task (for example "picking") 

Click "Ok" to Save when you finish.

Note: the total Kg's will be calculated ONLY if the registration was via the Scan-IT app or a terminal.

(2) Start registration task

By Start registration task , we can enter singel or multiple sort packages by  only  smartphone (Scan-IT app)  and ONLY online!!! (when using After registration product registration option).
By Terminal we can't enter it at all!

Make sure to :
  Don't check the option "Ask for package" !
  1- Link the task question scheme to a task (for example "Harvesting") 
  2- Choose "After Registration" if you want to enter the number of packages later, after finishing the task.

IF you want to enter number of the packages later after finishing the task, then you need to select "After Registration"
In this case the phones must be always online.

3- Select the previously created sort package(s) to be asked for, when you make the registration.

Click "Ok" to Save when you finish.

The Summary 

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