EN - What do I need to start a pump automatically based on a level measurement?

EN - What do I need to start a pump automatically based on a level measurement?

EN - What do I need to start a pump automatically based on a level measurement?

This requires the software and hardware below.

-      1x Crop section
-      1x Recipe
-      1x dosing unit
-      1x Valve
-      1x Level tray or Silo (from version 9)
When using Silo management software, 'from' and 'to' valves are also required. How much are needed depends on the situation. Send a drawing of the local situation to the Hoogendoorn Helpdesk for advice.

Hardware measurement
-      Level measurement

Hardware actuations
-      Pump
-      Valve

Click here to see how the various controls should be connected.
Click here to see how the various controls should be set.