EN - Work-IT client PC software installation via folder share and internet explorer

EN - Work-IT client PC software installation via folder share and internet explorer


How can we install Work-IT client PC software via folder sharing and internet explorer ?


If we want to do a second installation on another PC in the same network, we can do a Client installation, by following those steps:

1- Work-IT folder sharing in the network

   1. Open the PC where the Work-It is already as server installed.

   2. Go to the Work-IT folder and open the Network Access screen for this folder, using one of these 2 ways:

        ( a)  Right-click on WorkIT folder and choose Properties then click on Share Tab, then click on Share... button 

       ( b)  Or right click on WorkIT folder and choose Give access to , then Click on Specific people...


   3- In the Network Access screen, choose Everyone (or Find People... if the access is for a specific people), then click on Add button.


   4- In Permission level, choose Read/ Write, then click Share button.


   5- At the end, click Done.


2- Install Work-IT Client on the other PC via Internet explorer

   1- To check in the other PC that the folder WorkIT is well shared and accessible, we can see the shared folders on Server PC by the  Run screen:

    Type \\ IP address or \\ computer name of the server PC, then click OK. for example ( \\ )



You'll see then all shared folders:


   2- in the Internet explorer type http:// ip address of the server PC/workit/ ,   For example ( http:// 
       then click Install from iexplorer.


- Often you need to be granted access by the Anti virus software to proceed with the installation.

- Or add the Work-It Ports in Windows defender firewall, of make TCP protocol " Enabled " in SQL Server configuration manger, see the article:

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