EN - How to do maintenance on a pH sensor

EN - How to do maintenance on a pH sensor



How to do maintenance on a pH sensor?


As you can see in the table below, you can clean the sensor with clean water.

Watch the video below how to calibrate an pH sensor:

The calibration procedure in steps:
  1. In this video we will explain how to calibrate the pH sensor in the Jumo pH03 transmitter.
  2. First you have to set the irrigation pump to pause in the iSii system and close the manual valves in the EC-pH bypass.
  3. Then make sure you have 2 plastic cups with pH 4 calibration liquid, 2 plastic cups with pH 7 calibration liquid, 1 plastic cup with distilled water and a soft napkin to calibrate the pH sensor.
  4. Now, unscrew the pH sensor and remove it from the holder. Be careful because the sensor is made of glass and thus is sensitive to shocks and breakage.
  5. Check if the sensor is clean and rinse it with distilled water and a soft napkin.
  6. Next, stir the sensor gently in the first cup with pH 7 calibration liquid and then place the sensor in the second cup with pH 7 calibration liquid.
  7. When the pH measurement is stable in the display of the Jumo transmitter you can start with the calibration procedure.
  8. To start, press P for more than 2 seconds. On the display will be shown USER.
  9. Then, press the “down arrow” three times and CALIB will be displayed
  10. To confirm this press P once.
  11. Now, press the “up arrow” until the  CODE 110 appears
  12. To confirm this press P once. CAL 1-PT will now be displayed
  13. Next, press the “up arrow” once. CAL 2-PT will be shown on the display
  14. Press ‘P’ once to confirm this. A temperature of 25 degrees will be flashing on the display
  15. To confirm this press ‘P’ once. The first reference measured value (REF 1) will be shown on the display
  16. Wait until the measurement value has stabilized
  17. Then press  ‘P’ to confirm the measurement. The value will be flashing on the display
  18. Press the “up arrow” or “down arrow” to enter the actual buffer value pH 7.00
  19. Then, press  ‘P’ to confirm this
  20. Now remove the pH sensor from the pH 7 cup and rinse it with distilled water.
  21. Stir the sensor gently in the first cup with pH 4 calibration liquid and then place the sensor in the second cup with pH 4 calibration liquid.
  22. If the pH measurement is stable on the display of the Jumo transmitter, you can continue with the calibrating procedure.
  23. Press ‘P’ to confirm the measurement, the value will be flashing on the display
  24. Press the '“arrow up” or “down arrow” to enter the actual buffer value pH 4.00
  25. Press ‘P’ to confirm this, the calculated zero point and calculated slope will be shown on the display
  26. Press ‘P’ to accept the values
  27. Press the Exit key to complete the calibration procedure
  28. You can check the pH measurement in the iSii system. The pH control or pH monitor value should now be pH 4.0 depending on which sensor you have calibrated.
  29. Place the sensor back in the holder and screw it tight.
  30. Then open the manual valves in the EC-pH bypass and change the irrigation pump setting to “let the pump continue” in the iSii system.
  31. You have now successfully calibrated the Jumo pH sensor.