EN - iSii Next Generation: Migrate Windows 7 to Windows 10

EN - iSii Next Generation: Migrate Windows 7 to Windows 10


How do I migrate an iSii Next Generation from Windows 7 to Windows 10?


These steps can only be performed when iSii version W10 or higher is installed. Earlier versions of the iSii do not work on Windows 10

What do I need for the conversion from Windows 7 to Windows 10:

- License Windows 10 (To be requested through sales Hoogendoorn)
- Image Windows 10 
- iSii version W10 or higher

Perform the following steps if the IBS-3 is still on Windows 7.

- Make a data copy of the iSii within version
- Create an image of the system with Acronis
- Ensure that the data from the network cards is written. Think of IP addresses, subnet mask etc ..
- Write down any external programs for later installation in Windows 10. This includes drivers for printers, Ara-pro interfaces and virtual machines for the Powercontroller.
- Restore the image of Windows 10 with Acronis.
- Login as Administrator with password 123

Perform the following steps if the IBS-3 is on Windows 10.

- Activate Windows 10 with the supplied Windows license
- Install the iSii program (Version W10 or higher)
- If additional users are present, perform the '' additional users '' step below.
- Restore the data copy.

"extra users"

- Create a folder on the D: Drive with the name '"Extra users''
- Cut all extra users from the data copy and paste them into the ''Extra users'' folder. The standard users may remain.
- The standard users are:               - All Users
                                                         - BasAdmin
                                                         - DealAdmin
                                                         - Hodo
                                                         - iSii
                                                         - ServAdmin
                                                         - UserAdmin

- Restore the data copy without additional users via restore data copy
- Switch off the company network to stop communication with other Remote PCs.
- Open the iSii program and create the extra users. Note that this is exactly the same name as in the ''extra users'' folder
- Copy all additional users to the C:/Users folder.
- Switch the company network back on.
- Check all remote systems for proper operation. User passwords may have changed. Change this if necessary under the heading connections.

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