EN - Where to mount the sensors in a heat storage tank
Where to mount the sensors in a heat storage tank?
Details of the tank:
- 12 meters high
- capacity of 4,800 m3
- diameter is 22.6 m
- 13 sensors
By default, if we recommend it, we take 10% of the total height of the tank from the top as an empty area.
So the first sensor is 1.20 meters from the edge (not from the highest point), so that you always have some water above the sensor.
We also do the same at the bottom, so that you always have some water left under the sensor.
The remaining 11 sensors are linearly distributed.
Distribute the remaining 11 sensors as follows:
Remark: In this example, it is assumed that the spray pipes are mounted around 5% of the top and bottom of the tank.

The transmitters of the sensors are mounted in a separate connection box:
740570 Tank sensor connection box
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