EN - How can i calculate the overtime? - Over Time in Work-IT

EN - How can i calculate the overtime? - Over Time in Work-IT



How can I calculate an employee's overtime?


The following graphic summarizes the steps explained about  Over Time

Just an example to make it clear, where an employee (Tom) His basic hourly rate is €10

By the employee , you can set the hourly rate in this case 10

Click on

1- Employee.
2- Data, and then double click on Tom.

3- Click on Wages sub-tab.
4- Add the settings of the new wage for Tom.

Don't forget to click OK and then Save.

Now we go to the 4 steps:

1.   Create new Over Time:

Click on:
1- Rewarding.
2- Over Time.

3- click New 
4- give it a name (TestOW).
5- click OK

Now we are going to add the rules in this Over Time  (TestOW)

1- Click on Type.
2- Choose the requested type from the list.

Type: There are various types of overtime:
- Holiday
  If a date is defined as a holiday, the employee to whom the overtime scheme applies, will be awarded an overtime percentage for the worked hours.
- Contract employee:
  If an employee works more hours than their contracted hours, they will be awarded an overtime percentage for the worked hours above the contracted hours.
- Week compensation:
The weekly compensation is used to calculate the weekly overtime costs.
The day indicates the day on which it should be booked.
Calculation: overtime hours = (hours worked + sickness hours + free hours) - (contract hours - holidays hours)

                       overtime costs = overtime hours * hour rate
- Day:
  Choose this option if an overtime percentage is applicable on a certain day of the week, after a specific time.
- Week:
  Choose this option if an overtime percentage is applicable on all days of the week, after a specific time.

I've made here three rules:

Don't forget to save.

2.   Create a new Terms of Employment:

Of course, there is no need to create new terms of employment; we can use an existing Terms of Employment and link the TestOW overtime to it.

The overtime must be linked to the Terms of Employment on the Rewarding tab.
Click on:
1- Rewarding.
2- Terms of employment

Explanation of the screen shown above:
Paid sickness
This function determines whether sickness hours are included in the costs.
Paid leave
This function determines whether hours off are included in the costs.
Age table
Here, you can link the appropriate age table.
Sickness scheme
Link the correct sickness scheme.
Link the correct overtime scheme.
Unpaid work breaks/tasks
Tasks and work breaks that are linked here are not included in paid hours.
Work break scheme
Link the correct work break scheme.
Book work break to location
This function determines whether work breaks are booked to a location or without a location. If this function is ticked, work breaks are booked to the greenhouse of the last registration prior to the work break.
Allowance scheme
Here, you can link the appropriate Surcharge regulation.
Split night-work
This function determines whether the excess day hours are split before and after midnight. If the setting is off, the hours worked after midnight will be shown on the summary of the start day.
Leave regulation
Here, you can link the appropriate leave regulation.

In my case, the Terms of Employment is called TestAV

3.   Create new Payment group:

Of course there is no need to create a new Payment Group, we can use an existing payment group and link the (TestAVTerms of Employment to it.

Click on:

1- Rewarding.
2- Configuration (Payments).

And to create a new Payment Group:

3- Click on New.
4- Choose the name of Payment group.
5- Choose the start date.
6- Choose the Terms of employment

Here I named this new payment group (TestBG). 

4.   Linking the Employee to a payment group :

In our example we have the employee Tom, Now Click on:
1-  Employee.
2- Data, and then double click on Tom.

3- Click on sub-tab Payment group.
4- Choose the start date.
5- Choose the payment group.

Don't forget to click OK and then Save.

Now we're going to test him:

For my test llj had the employee (Tom) do some work on Tuesday 28-5-2019, and we can see it in By Employee
(There was a rule at overtime TestOW on Tuesday)

Click on:
1- Tracking.
2- By Employee.  

In order to be able to show the overtime, Click on:
1- Financial.
2- Overviews. 

3- Click on New, to create a new overview. Here I Called it Test overtime.

Because the overtime costs are not booked on location, in the filter location tab "Include blanks" must be ticked to include empty value!!!!!
By clicking:

1- Location filter icon.
2- tick the option "Include blanks".

Also, I have only included the paid Tasks, otherwise the breaks will be shown as well.

The above method has the limitation that the percentage is calculated from a certain time of day and not after a number of hours worked.
If this is required, then the Reward-IT module should be purchased, in which surcharges can be applied after a number of hours worked.
The "Annual Hours Model CLA (Collective Labour Agreement) " can also be used.  

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