EN - How to set the IP address in a Hotraco Orion

EN - How to set the IP address in a Hotraco Orion

EN - How to set the IP address in a Hotraco Orion

This article is only for Hoogendoorn Partners

How to set the IP-adres in a Hotraco Orion


1. Click on 'F6'

2. Click on  to select 'Modify options'  and click  to open the menu.

3. Click on    to open the menu 'General' 

4. Click on  to select'Ethernet' . Click on  to set the check-mark.

5. Click on  to select 'IP settings'  adn click on   to set the IP address.

6. Click on  to select 'save options'  and click on   to save the settings.

The IP address to be set depends on the network properties to which the Orion is connected. A fixed IP address must be used per Orion.
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