The precipitation measurement has improved especially in connection with the spider problem.
The new standard solution for precipitation measurement is now as follows:
The updated precipitation detector (Type-F) is the standard sensor for every new iSii.
The sensor emits 5 Hz when there is no rain. At 10 Hz light rain and at 50 Hz heavy rainfall.
Because we cannot directly read a frequency for the rain in the iSii, we use a frequency to 0 - 20 mA converter
Why set 5000 to 0?
The 0 - 20 mA signal is converted in the software to a number between 0 and 5000.
Because we use the software of the old rain sensor. we should invert the scale value. A high value was no rain with the old sensor.
This detector is combined with an interface.
From this detector and interface combination comes a signal that represents very light to heavy precipitation.
The customer can set the threshold himself if a certain rainfall intensity is rain for him.
DIP switches configuration: ON OFF ON
Connect IO
The signal is connected via a 0..20mA input to: “rain detector (phase-out)”.
IO properties
The following must be set: scale values and gross values.
Service settings
By adjusting the start and stop threshold, the customer can set the sensitivity.
In general
In addition, the precipitation sensor (the horseshoe) can be used if the customer wants more options.
The horseshoe must always be combined with a precipitation detector.
Note that for precipitation amount registration it is necessary to use a rain bucket.
The "old" precipitation detector will remain available for replacement and for use with the iSii Compact.