EN - When is Connected screening useful to me?

EN - When is Connected screening useful to me?

EN - When is Connected screening useful to me?

When is connected screening useful to me, can I improve my skills?                                                                          


If you want to know more of the effects of screening.
Which grower does not want his screens to be controlled properly? Save maximum energy, loose hardly any solar radiation
and achieve the best growing climate. 
It starts with insight, and iSii offers that insight by making the following effects of
(partially) closed screens visible:
  1. Net energy demand in MJ/m2, after deduction of energy savings by screens.
  2. Realized energy savings in MJ/m2 of all screens together.
  3. Reduction of the radiation sum in J/cm2 by approximately 63% greenhouse roof light transmission
    and approximately 87% screen light transmission.
  4. Moisture transport up to 72 g/m2/hour, depending on the difference between absolute humidity (AH)
    below and above the screen.

  5. Radiance in the afternoon, which reduces the net radiation (with cloudless skies).

Figure 1. Weekly overview with effects, net energy demand, energy savings and radiation reduction.
The stamp's number corresponds to the numbers in the summary above.

Figure 2. Moisture transport due to absolute humidity below which is higher than above the screen.
As the positive difference increases, the humid pressure difference increases. As a result the relativ humidity can drop.

Improved screen control is possible through:

1. Do not open the screen immediately in the morning if the radiation increases, but wait a while.
Wait until the measured air temperature above the screen is higher than the calculated greenhouse temperature.

Figure 3. Energy savings through screens.
The longer the screen remains (completely) closed, the bigger the energy savings.

      2. Postpone ventilation when the screen opens in the morning.

      The screen opens if solar radiation or outside temperature is sufficient. The 'screen closed' status then becomes 'screen open in progress'.
At 'screen open in progress' the ventilation temperature will be increased by two degrees, for example,
until the minimum screen position (open) is reached. Meaning vents close or remain closed, while the screen opens.

Figure 4. During the 'screen open in progress' status, the ventilation temperature is increased by two degrees. This will delay ventilation.
The status 'screen open in progress' can also be used in the morning to prevent the second screen from opening at the same time.

      3. If the energy savings of closed screens can't compete with the reduction of solar radiation, the screens are released to open.

      These parameters can be compared with each other to determine the right time for opening in the morning and closing in the afternoon.
The required switch data have to be found in practice. Then consult your technical partner for the necessary settings,
making use of custom alarm or uni-switch. Check also how to use a pyrgeo sensor.

Figure 5. The computer calculates the energy-saving rate based on the position of the screens.
A partially open screen (check red line) significantly reduces the energy saving (yellow line).

4. Absolute moisture below and above the screen determines the moisture transport.
The absolute humidity (AH) above the screen is lower than below the screen, because of crop evaporation.
By increasing the minimum lee side vent position, or by decreasing the ventilation temperature in general,
moisture can be removed from the greenhouse despite closed screens.
Screens can therefore remain closed. A second measuring box in the above screen zone is required for this.

Consult your screen supplier for relevant screen data.

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