EN - ATTENTION !! point of attention when updating to v9.0.1.1 in combination with iSii + CO2

EN - ATTENTION !! point of attention when updating to v9.0.1.1 in combination with iSii + CO2

This article is only for Hoogendoorn Partners


Due to the many improvements and additions made to the iSii + CO2 program in version 9, it is possible that the iSii + CO2 unit does not start after the update to version 9.


This is caused by the fact that the 'CO2 unit: maximum capacity' (Energy management> iSii + CO2 unit> iSii + CO2 unit / tab service) is set to 0 kg by default.
In version 8 this setting did not necessarily have to be filled in to get the control working.

In version 8 the minimum CO2 demand from the collector was copied to the calculated demand in the collector regardless of whether the + CO2 unit has a question or not.

In version 9 the regulation has been adjusted and the demand is only placed with the collector if the + CO2 unit has a demand.
If the setting 'CO2 unit: maximum capacity' is set to 0 kg, a maximum of 0 kg of CO2 demand can therefore be passed to the collector, with the result that no CO2 sources are started and the + CO2 unit does not start.

The setting "order dosing CO2 manifold etc." is added during the update and is set to "off" by default. This means that only the iSii + CO2 injection can be used as a source. Since not all customers have this option and certainly do not always want to use this setting, they will have to be adjusted. If there is no iSii + CO2 injection, "1" must be selected here. The CO2 dosage will only function again after the adjustment. See the pictures below for clarification.

Default setting after update to version 9 (error situation)

Setting after adjustment (correct situation)